Hyvää syksyä kaikille,näiden toivotusten myötä blogi jää toistaiseksi tauolle...
...ja minä keskityn tuleviin koitoksiin-uusien tikkaustöiden tekoon,remontointiin ja kaikkiin niihin kotitöihin jotka kesän jäljiltä odottaa.Nauttikaa syksyn kauneudesta kaikilla aisteilla.
I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories
4 kommenttia:
Ihania syyspäiviä myös sinulle ♥
Mulla reissut jatkuu. Palaan keväällä putiikillesi katsomaan mitä olet aikaiseksi saanut !!
Palaammepa asiaan keväämmällä. Olen yrittänyt tänne useesti kommentoida, mutta nakkaa mut aina pihalle. Kahvitellaan taas kun tavataan !
I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories
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